
FAQ – Professional metal 3D printers with selective metal powder bed fusion laser.
FAQ - Professionelle 3D-Drucker für Metall mit selektivem Laser-Pulverbettschmelzen. Ist das Material während des Druckvorgangs vollständig geschmolzen? Gibt es Porositäten im Inneren oder auf der Oberfläche? Metallteile, die mit der LMF-Technologie (Laser...

Technology – LMF 3D printer
Patentierter KippbeschichterBeim 3D-Druck von Metall in Pulverbetttechnologien wird das Material durch unidirektionale oder bidirektionale Beschichtungssysteme (auf Englisch 'Coater') geleitet.Der patentierte 'Tilting Coater' von SISMA, der in allen...

RFX: the largest experiment in the world for the study of the confinement of nuclear fusion plasmas.
SISMA collaborates in the MIAIVO project – Innovative Mechanics and Integrated Additive: VenetO from research to opportunities in the current and future market – to analyze the technological feasibility of a set of modifications to the RFX-mod2 experimental machine.

A journey of growth over 60 years.
A journey of growth over 60 years. Here at SISMA we have been designing and manufacturing high-precision machinery and laser systems since 1961. Our path has been a transversal experience undertaken in mechanics, in software management, and in...

DFS (Dynamic Focus Shift), perfect laser markings also on non-flat surfaces.
DFS (Dynamic Focus Shift), perfect laser markings also on non-flat surfaces. SISMA DFS consists of a third optical axis that can be integrated in SISMA laser markers (selected models) allowing perfect execution of markings on non-flat surfaces or on flat...

TRACKED ROUTES software functionalities, for molds repairing in assisted mode.
TRACKED ROUTES software functionalities, for molds repairing in assisted mode. TRACKED ROUTES allow to perform a welding process in semi-manual guided mode. These software features can be activated directly from the user interface of the SISMA...

POWER RAMP, optimized welding at critical points.
POWER RAMP, optimized welding at critical points. POWER RAMP is a software function developed by SISMA that affects the laser welding process by optimizing its performance, specifically at two critical points: the start and end of the welding process. By modulating...

SISMA vision systems
SISMA vision systems allow you to access working areas using only a camera and to easily and quickly perform laser marking operations through automatic centering without the need of fixings or jigs.

Programma Open House Sisma AREZZO 14 /15 aprile 2016 - 9:30 - 19:00 16 aprile 2016 - 9:30 - 13.00 Nell'occasione potrete vedere funzionanti i nostri sistemi laser per la fisione laser selettiva di polveri metalliche, marcatura/incisione e saldatura. Inoltre sarà...